Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time Marches On

Title says it all (and it's also a really good country song that I may or may not be listening to). Time marches on, it's true, but dammit, it needs to hurry the F up!!!! Sunday is Allentown, aka a really big band festival. Everyone from U. Mass to IUP (boo) will be there and should be a ton of fun, especially cause I get to see someone that I miss a lot. I think I've mentioned that before, but oh well. I'm impatient. I've recently discovered that, while my long term patience is (normally) astounding, my short term patience is sadly lacking. Allentown is a blip on my long term patience radar, since I'm normally excited for it anyway. That and after Allentown band practices get shorter and shorter and we start canceling them more and more....

I'm not lazy or fed up or not at all...

In other news....well, there's really no other news. I'm really only typing this because I'm bored and on lunch break. I'm officially petitioning to join the noble household of the Northern Cross in...January I believe is the date. The head of the Queen's Guard has offered to be my sponsor, which surprised me to be honest. I didn't know that Rodrigo even knew who I was apart from knowing I wanted to petition. Two of my friends and fellow Silva Vulcani members are also petitioning, so I know that Northern Cross is bouncing off the walls that three "young ones" are seriously interested. I know that when the Countess Elena was bouncing of the walls when she found out the Luca and I wanted to join as well as Ragna. Apparently, she had said that she wanted more fencers to join and VOILA!

And now it's time to go to class and I'm finding that I don't want to move.... damn senioritis... I really don't want to go listen to my professor harp about the Native Americans for another class... Not that I have anything against them; it just gets annoying when after four weeks of school you're STILL on the Spanish explorers and the stuff they did. I want to learn about Revolutions!!! Get to the good stuff!!!! Mesa Verde is great, wonderful and interesting, yes, but I want WAR!!! =p

On that note: Tootles!

1 comment:

  1. You want War yet you were terrible in Wargames class =P Allentown is only two days away now.
